Dear darkness,
I love you and I embrace all aspects of who you are.
I was once afraid of you but not anymore
and I thank you for all the aspects of who you’re
within me, around me.
You are the one that is putting me in the spotlight
because without you how can humanity see my light?
Thank you darkness, you make me shine in your darkness
because how can humanity see me and my light otherwise
Without you how can we see the light
therefore I embrace your darkness in eternity.
You are me, I am you and we are we
Thank you for letting me shine in your darkness
because without you how could I come so far in life?
You taught me everything about you when I was in my mother's womb,
you played with me in that darkness,
you taught me how to hear in the darkness,
you taught me how to listen in the darkness,
you taught me how to manifest in the darkness
you taught me how to Be in the darkness.
Yes, darkness, you’re the one that taught me to see in the light.
I need your darkness as much as I need the light,
like the moon need the sun, the yin need the yang,
the above needs the below, the earth needs the rain,
the water needs the air, the air is needed by the fire
Thank you darkness for being part of my life
because you are me, I am you and we are we
Thank you for letting me shine in your darkness